Lama Surya Das


Buddha said that hate is never overcome by hate; hatred is only overcome by love. With today's tragic events we may be on the brink of an escalating war in the Middle East. I think that we must look into our hearts and minds and see what we individually, collectively, societally are doing to alleviate or to perpetuate these problems, and how we might become part of their eventual solution. I think an eye-for-an-eye retalitatory approach is not the most measured response at this time. But do our leaders agree?

Religion is supposed to further peace, happiness and harmony, not contribute to hatred and prejudice, intolerance, bigotry, violence and war. Non-violence is the first precept of Buddhism, and a fundamental tenet of many world religions; yet look what actually happens in the world, recently in the Middle East and Bosnia, in Belfast and Sri Lanka, as well as throughout history. Even here at home in America, guns in the schools and at home continue to harm us. Violence both at home and abroad, even in our schools and homes and neighbourhoods, has come to the fore in our time as a major focus of concern, but we have not made much progress in averting or dealing with it.

Martin Luther King said that we have two choices: to peacefully coexist, or to destroy ourselves. Do you know how many countries in the world are experiencing war right now? Dozens, literally; yet we remain for the most part insulated from that terrible reality. Here in America we don't usually feel as much first-hand evidence of the recent twentieth century's war death toll, although we certainly did during the several wars of the twentieth century. But I don't think that war begins outside somewhere, on a battlefield, along some disputed border, or in a diplomatic conference room or economic summit meeting; war begins with the cupidity, hatred, prejudice, racism, ignorance and cruelty in the human heart. This is because the true battlefield is the heart of man, as Dostoevsky says. If we want peace in the world and I firmly believe that we all do we need to face this fact. We must learn how to deal with anger and hatred, and to soften up and disarm our own hearts, as well as work in larger contexts towards nuclear disarmament and peace in our time. We need to think globally and act locally, beginning with ourselves and each other at home, in the family, as well as outside at work and in the community, reaching out more and more in broad, all-embracing circles of collective caring and responsibility. This is the path to a more peaceful future for all of us.

Today is a time for prayer, reflection on what is most important in our lives, and to think about what steps we might take towards non-violence within ourselves and our own lives as well as towards a more peaceful world. I myself am thinking about what the Buddhist wisdom tells us about how to deal with anger and hatred, grief and loss.

What we experience today is a tragic event of monumental proportions, comparable perhaps to Pearl Harbour. And yet, the fact that it hits us in the heart of NY and Washington could remind us that it is the kind of thing that happens during conflicts in other countries and their capitals, and which we Americans have for the most part been mercifully insulated from. I'd like us to reflect on that as we continue to pursue our national goals and policies, realizing more and more deeply our connectedness with the peoples and ongoing conflicts in other parts of the world.

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